Young Americans for Freedom

For the 2022-2023 School year, I was the Treasure of Young Americans for Freedom at Michigan State University. In this position, I kept a record of our finances as a chapter and additionally contributed with many proposals for events and ideas to help improve the chapter. 

One event I have helped plan for my chapter was the 9/11 Never Forget project, where we painted the MSU rock, a billboard of sorts, and planted 2,977 flags, one for each of the soles that were lost on 9/11. Unfortunately, our show of support has been vandalized two years in a row. Both times when that happened, we took swift and immediate action, fixing the display with me and sometimes others patrolling the site through the dark hours.

After Tragedy struck My University on February 13th when a lone gunman walked onto our campus, killing three people and critically wounding five, including my friend, we at YAF organized a food drive for those who responded with such speed. The food drive was a massive success, allowing us to donate to the police departments of Michigan State University, East Lansing, and Sparrow Hospital.

Additionally, I have gone to several conferences of our parent organization, Young Americas Foundation, in locations all across the country, including but not limited to Santa Barbara, California; Dallas, Texas; Dixon, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia; and Washington, DC. At these conferences, I have grown a vast network of connections, including US Representatives, Senators, Governors, and the next generation of leaders my age.

I have even had the unique opportunity to talk backstage to brilliant speakers such as Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klaven.