Eagle Scout
On August 3, 2021, I achived the rank of Eagle Scout at Troop 1610 in Royal Oak Michigan.
As part of earning the Highest rank of Scouting, the Eagle, I had to complete a service project to help benefit my local community. I decided to build a 'Living Genizah' in the Jewish Religion is a holy site where books with the word of God must be buried to decompose back into the earth. No one has built one as an Eagle Scout Project, but I decided to take up the challenge.
An Eagle Scout project aims to learn how to delegate efficiently and effectively and manage a project from start to finish, including fundraising. After doing a lot of research into how to build this project, I needed a couple of thousand dollars to fund it, so I conducted and led a bottle drive to not only clean up the streets of my city but raise thousands of dollars in the process.
The Next step was cutting and assembling the frame of the 'Genizah.' since I do things to the best of my ability, I hired an architect to design the structure.
Then came the digging and placement of the frame into the ground. This required many people and hundreds of long volunteer hours.
The entire experience taught me skills of leadership, patience, and flexibility. After completing this project, I became a proud Eagle Scout of the Boy Scouts of America.